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Full Name
Frank McCallion
United States
Santa Barbara
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Frank McCallion from Sensortech Systems
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Frank McCallion commented on a business listing
Job was really hard and awkward, but these guys persisted and did a great job - thank you!
Gray Glass is a full service glass fabricator, glass distributor and glass importer serving Industrial, Architectural, Lighting and Optical customers world wide. For over 60 years Gray Glass has offered the highest quality, reliability and value in the glass industry and Gray Glass employees offer o…
23.04.2022 · From Dennis Berbentsev
22.03.2023 0 likes 4 comments 4 comments
Frank McCallion commented on a blog post
Job was really hard and awkward, but these guys persisted and did a great job - thank you!

The active introduction of glass elements in the organization of interior and exterior has set new higher requirements for glass processing technologies. And if in the past designers required glass with straight lines, today curved elements are gaining mor
22.03.2023 0 likes 1 comments 1 comments