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What is Low Iron Mirror?

Low Iron Mirror is made on base of Low Iron Glass. If you look at ordinary glass, you will notice that it is not completely transparent. This is especially visible on the edge of the glass.
By stacking several glass sheets on top of each other, you will notice that they have a slightly greenish tint. Moreover, the thicker the glass is, the more it turns green.
To ensure that the finished product does not have a “bottle” tint, Low Iron Glass is used.
This specially designed glass is produced with a minimum content of iron impurities, and therefore it does not have green tint and fits into any interior. The edge of Low Iron Glass is colorless, and the surface itself has a pleasant, barely noticeable blue tint.

Low Iron Glass in NY

Low Iron Mirror is made of Low Iron Glass. This product looks more transparent, lighter and convey the maximum color palette of reflection without color distortion. Designers are very fond of thes product, because Low Iron Mirror allows you to achieve greater illumination in the room.
Since Low Iron Mirror becomes less noticeable, objects in front of it are perceived more brightly.

Main advantages of Low Iron Mirror

1) Natural color rendering: Low Iron does not turn green like a regular mirror
2) Perfect reflection clarity, image is not distorted
3) Airiness effect - the mirror practically dissolves in the interior
4) Possibility of applying sandblasting patterns
5) Wide range of applications for home and business

Low Iron Mirror NJ

Areas of application

This product is used in both domestic and a wide variety of commercial spaces: starting with furniture facades to storefront windows. Low Iron Mirror gives special gloss and luxury to goods in exhibition centers, jewelry stores and boutiques.
Low Iron Mirror is used in the following spaces:

1) Bathroom, hallway, dressing room
2) Decorative designs, such as mirrored partitions
3) Furniture decor: shelving, cabinets, cabinets, tables
4) Showcases and shelves of shops, offices, supermarkets
5) Sports and gyms, fitness centers
6) Beauty salons, hairdressers, barbershops

Low Iron Mirror NY

Which mirror to choose?

Low Iron Mirror is necessary if you need to provide better color rendering, create the lightest design possible, or make the room lighter without overloading it with additional shades.
For example, we recommend to use Low Iron Mirror in bathroom with a predominance of white, blue and gray colors. Low Iron Mirror is usually installed where sales depend on the quality of reflection. Surely, you have noticed the difference between a home mirror and the one installed in a store fitting room.
As a rule, mirrors without a green tint make the reflection of the product more presentable.

Low Iron Mirror PA

Low Iron Mirror care

Low Iron Mirror is very durable and requires virtually no maintenance. Its coating does not contain lead, copper or other toxic components and fully complies with environmental standards. The mirror should only be wiped with a soft cloth using special cleaning products.

Gray Glass Company
217-44 98th Avenue
Queens Village, 
New York 11429
Phone: 718-217-2943
Fax: 718-217-0280

Dennis Berbentsev 11.12.2023 0 784
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