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Glass for furnace in NY

Characteristics of glass for furnace.

The great demand for glass for furnaces is due to its unique combination of chemical and physical properties that are not inherent in any other substance. There is no other material found for the bulb of an electric lamp that would have similar transparency, resistance to heat, mechanical strength, low cost and excellent weldability with metal products.
We would not be able to invent telescopes, microscopes, cameras, video cameras, televisions and much more without glass. All of the above properties are due to the fact that furnace glass is an amorphous material and not crystalline.

Glass for furnace in NJ

At standard room temperature and even at 750°F, this material does not change its physical properties. But with further heating, the glass begins to soften and becomes a viscous liquid. The charge that is used for furnace glass production consists of the following main components: quartz sand, sodium oxide and lime. Also, lead oxide, boric anhydride and many other things are added. Everything depends on what kind of final product you need to get at the output.
All ingredients are mixed with strict adherence to proportions, based on a specific technological process. Nowadays, glass is no longer as fragile as it was before. 
There are such types of glass whose strength is not compromised in any way by steel, as well as frost-resistant and armored ones.

Fireproof glass NY

What types of glass are used for wood stove and furnaces?

Quartz glass. This material consists exclusively of silica. This furnace glass has the simplest properties. It does not deform even at a temperature of 1800 degrees. The coefficient of thermal expansion of this material is very low, and therefore it is heat-resistant. The volume and surface resistance of glass for furnace is quite large. It is capable of transmitting not only visible, but also ultraviolet rays. This type of glass is very difficult to melt and form other glass products from it.

Lime glass. This glass contains additional ingredients, such as sodium, calcium and silicate oxide. This material is very popular in the production of mirror and sheet glass, glass containers, electric lamp bulbs, etc.

Lead glass. When producing this type of glass for furnace, lead oxide is added to the charge. Such glass is more expensive than lime glass, but it is much easier to manufacture and melt. This addition significantly increases the dielectric characteristics of glass, making it the most optimal insulator. Lead glass is used in radios and television tubes. Lead gives glass its shine and also adorns the finest pieces of tableware and various works of art.

Glass for wood stove in NY

Borosilicate glass. This type of furnace glass has a high content of silicate, boron oxide and a minimal amount of alkali metal. This boric anhydride acts as a kind of flux for silica. Depending on the specific composition, the resistance of glass to thermal shock is several times higher compared to the types of this material described above. Also, it is the most chemically stable. Such glass is often used in electrical engineering, as industrial pipes, impellers of centrifugal pumping stations and kitchen utensils.

Fireproof glass for furnaces

Many years later, man's desire for the element of fire contributed to finding a solution to combine fire safety with the pleasure of watching the flames. The result was heat-resistant glass for ovens. Its main quality is heat resistance, and its main task is resistance to high temperatures.
For many years, the fireplace was considered, and still is, the key to warmth and comfort in the house. It is able to warm you up in the cold season, thereby forming a kind of harmonious idyll, filling the space of the room with the smell of fresh wood and bright flames of fire.

Glass for wood stove in NJ

This type of glass is very often used for interior decoration. Furnace glass is used as decoration for fireplaces, grills, ovens, the production of heat-resistant glassware that can be used on an open fire, etc. 
During the manufacture of this material, a special technological process of processing with chemical compounds is used, as well as a fire polishing method. As a result, fire-resistant glass for furnace is very durable. It can withstand abrupt temperature changes. This material is not afraid of thermal shock. 
About 40 percent of the thermal radiation is reflected back into the combustion chamber with a help of furnace glass. This results in a significant reduction in the radiant energy that passes through the oven's heat-resistant glass. At the same time, the temperature in the fireplace increases significantly.

Glass for furnace in PA

Advantages of glass for furnace.

The main advantages of this type of glass include:

significant reduction in heating costs;
the most rational use of thermal energy;
reduction of emissions into the environment;
an increase in temperature in the combustion chamber of the fireplace, which leads to better combustion of wood;
perfect transparency;
aesthetic and attractive appearance of your interior.

Gray Glass Company
217-44 98th Avenue
Queens Village, 
New York 11429
Phone: 718-217-2943
Fax: 718-217-0280


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