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Bullet Proof Glass in NY

Bulletproof Glass is mostly known as Ballistic Glass or Bullet Resistant Glass. It consists of poly carbonate, thermoplastic, and layers of laminated glasses. Poly carbonate designs usually consist of products such as Armormax etc. that's why it also called Armoured Glass.

Every year the number of gun attack is increasing in America, and so many people have lost their lives. Bulletproof Glass is a safety glass that enhances your physical security. Bulletproof Glass can also give you protection from low-intensity blast so it is also known as blast proof glass. Laminated Glasses provide a protection similar to the multi-layered Bullet Resistant glass. It also gives much better tint-free optical accuracy.

Want to buy an armor glass? Come to Bear Glass. Bulletproof Glass, also called as armor glass is cut to size and custom fabrication is done at Bear Glass workshop.
We are the high quality bullet proof glass suppliers in USA and Canada. You can install this safety glass in an art galleries, jewelry shops, bank, combat vehicles, Government buildings, cash counter, liquor shops, etc.
For your custom Bulletproof Glass, call us or you can order bullet proof glass using the quotation form.

You can use bullet proof glass in:

Art Galleries
Liquor Stores
Jewelry Shops
Government Buildings
Cash Counter of Stores
Post Offices
Combat or Security vehicles

Gray Glass Company
217-44 98th Avenue
Queens Village, 
New York 11429
Phone: 718-217-2943
Fax: 718-217-0280

Dennis Berbentsev 22.09.2022 0 428
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